Ministry for All
​​Our ministry to our youngest members (i.e., Sunday School age children), youth, and young adults is a priority for our congregations. While our rich traditional worship style is paramount to our community, we recognize, and work hard to feed, the unique spiritual needs of our young people.

Youngest Members
(Kindergarten to Gr.6)
We have decided to shake things up a bit from the traditional Sunday School programming on Sunday mornings. We have dropped the “school” from Sunday School (no one wants to be thinking about school on the weekend) and have shifted to a ‘one-room schoolhouse’. Our programming is event-oriented and episodic. Youngest members do not need to attend every Sunday to be included. We learn and experience the gospel as a group, allowing older youth – including those already confirmed who wish to participate - to benefit from teaching their younger peers, with a more deliberate focus on inspiring Christian character and leadership.
We use the Mini-Revolutions curriculum from Illustrated Ministry. Illustrated Ministry is a publisher and creator of accessible faith-based resources. They offer modern publications that “celebrate the expansive image of God in everyone through open, inclusive, and progressive language, imagery, and theology.” Contributors are from mainline protestant denominations.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, we have offered a virtual Families and Youngest Members Worship at 9 am in lieu of our in-person programming. We gather for about 30 minutes to chat about our weeks, read a simple translation of the Gospel text for the week, and learn and sing some classic Sunday School songs.
When we return to in-person programming, our ministry will be fully bi-modal meaning that virtual attendance will be possible. We currently welcome youngest members from across Ontario and will continue to do so. On a typical Sunday, our youngest members begin by joining their family at our regular worship service, then leave with their teacher for the programming that day, and then return to worship during Holy Communion.
Youth Group
(Gr. 7-12)
Our youth group meets every twice a month due to the fact our youth couldn't wait until confirmation each month. Our programming has a strong emphasis on fellowship and service. Our commitment to youth and their families is that if they come to youth group regularly, they will receive their required high school volunteer hours.

Young Adults
(ages 19-35-ish)
There are a significant number of young Lutheran adults in Ottawa. We deliver our programming in partnership with the ELCIC Young Adults which connects young adults together throughout Canada. We typically meet once or twice a month for Canada-wide Zoom Young Adult Hangs. As the spirit moves us, young adults in our congregations gather for post-worship Brunches and pub nights.