Congregational Ministries
Crafters & Quilters
Our crafters and quilters meet every other Tuesday from 9:30am to 2:30pm. They are on a rotation between meeting at Resurrection Lutheran church and St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Their lovingly made products get donated to various organizations in the Ottawa area.

Confirmation classes are offered for youth beginning in Grade 7, as a two-year program that happens once a month. We have interactive, social justice learning events during our time together. The goal is to learn what it means to be a person of faith while helping the world become a better place and having fun doing it.
Bible Studies
In partnership with Faith Lutheran Church, we join Pastor Martin Malina for virtual Christian mediation, offering a time of gathering, reflection, and community.

If you are planning a wedding, baptism, or funeral, or if you need a location to practice your music, offer lessons, or conduct Not-for-profit or community work we are ready to work with you to ensure you are being spiritually fed.

St. Peter’s is an accredited Greening Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC). Care for Creation is a vital part of our outreach ministry. In partnership with the ELCIC and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), St. Peter’s is actively striving to preserve the planet for future generations and promote global climate justice by practicing good stewardship of God’s creation. We believe that taking local action now can make a global difference in achieving climate justice for all who share this fragile earth.
St. Peter’s supports the ELCIC resolution on Climate Justice (2015) and Stewardship of Creation Initiative, and the Lutheran World Federation declaration that Creation is not for sale.
St. Peter’s local initiatives include environmental education and community outreach:
Actively works to meet greening objectives through St. Peter’s Care for Creation Committee
Engages in climate justice advocacy through partnership with Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ)
Adopted Bronson Park, Ottawa, and committed to seasonal park clean-up
Planted a tree at Canada’s Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, as a twin to St. Peter’s Reformation Tree in Luther Garden, Wittenberg, Germany
Established green bin and recycling routines for the church
Posts recycling information in the parish hall and Sunday bulletins
Organizes parish activities with focus on recycling and environmental concerns
Planted a pollinator garden, with native flowers, at St. Peter's

The Care for Creation committee has planted the following plants for their Pollinator Garden:
For more information on how to create your own pollinator garden, visit:

Joint Service Committee
Breaking beyond church walls and being present in community is a high priority for our congregations. Our joint service committee supports over a dozen local organization in their efforts to better the city of Ottawa. These include:
- Centretown Churches Social Action Committee
- Centretown Emergency Food Centre
- Centre 507
- Citizens for Public Justice
- Community Laundry Co-operative
- Cumberland Lodge
- Daybreak Housing
- Gary Armstrong Centre
- Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard
- Les Terrasses Renaissance Montford
- MultiFaith Housing Initiative
- Orleans Cumberland Food Bank
- Ottawa Innercity Ministries
- Ottawa Lutheran Refugee Sponsorship Committee
- Partagé Vanier
- Restoring Hope
The God Pod
In the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic churches were tested to get creative in order to share their ministries. The God Pod is a way for congregation and community members to meet with our pastor safely. Two sides separated by a glass partition and an advanced air filtration systems makes it possible to talk face to face without masks and seek pastoral care.

Sometimes, it only takes one act of generosity, one gesture of kindness to change someone’s life. A pair of hockey skates to join the team. Shovelling a sidewalk. A small donation towards a well in Africa. That’s how we live in community. By the end of December, Chanukah will have seen eight nights of gifts and fine food. Christmas trees across Canada will have seen presents piled underneath them. Our holiday spending just keeps going up. But we can’t say the same for our other-centred giving. And yet, in the true spirit of the season no matter what tradition you hold, shouldn’t that be as front and centre, and wrapped with as much care, as the new IPod Touch or remote-control car beside the menorah or under the tree? That’s the heart of the 1gift4good Challenge. Come up with a gift – for your spouse, your kids, your parents – that will help someone else, and wrap it up, symbolically, for the day all the presents get opened. Inside, they’ll find the true Spirit of the Holiday Season.