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Sermon By Rev Joel Crouse

Would you consider yourself a lucky person? Several years ago, an American psychologist conducted a series of unusual experiments. He divided participants into two groups: those who defined themselves as lucky, and those who said they were not lucky. And then he gave each one a newspaper and asked them to count all the pictures in it. According to his results, the lucky people took seconds, on average, to finish the task. The unlucky people were more likely to take minutes. The catch was that on the second page of the newspaper there was a note in big letters filling up half the space. It said, “don’t read any further. There are 45 pictures in this newspaper.” As the researcher theorized, the lucky people saw it and stopped right there. The unlucky people, intent on their task, missed what was right in front of them, and kept going. So he tried again. This time, he sent his participants to a coffee shop. At the entrance, he had dropped a $5 bill. What happened? The lucky people, in his experiment, almost always found the bill. Some of them even shared it with a stranger they met inside and enjoyed a conversation. Those participants returned saying how great the outing had been. The unlucky people more likely walked over the money, got their coffee, and spoke to no one. When asked how their trip had gone, they were more likely to say, “Nothing exciting happened.” Now, the sample sizes were small, so I am not sure how “scientific” these experiments really were. But the idea they were capturing was “the openness” that the so-called lucky people had to the world around them—their willingness to pay attention to their surroundings and to invest in the people they encountered. There was nothing quantitatively luckier about them than those who declared themselves unlucky – but their posture in the world meant that fortune found them. Today our gospel would appear to be about some pretty unlucky people. Jesus opens his Sermon on the Mount by promising “blessings” to those who are poor in spirit, who mourn, who are meek. He goes on to speak about those who look for knowledge, those who are pure in heart, those who take risks for what is right and face persecution. He pretty much covers the whole gambit. And we can all find ourselves on the list somewhere. I imagine we find the Beatitudes speak to us in different ways depending on our stage of life. Jesus is speaking about a promise of the luck of God falling upon both the lucky and the unlucky: the term “beatitude” originates, in fact, from the Latin word beātitūdō which means "happy," "fortunate," or "blissful.” That is, lucky. It’s an elegant speech – and a deeply reassuring one for us – which is why it is so often quoted and referenced. It is a promise from Jesus that things will work out when we are most in despair, that we will be carried through the valleys of life by our faith in God. It is also, I would say, a recognition from Jesus that it is often when we are most troubled that we feel closest to God, and that we lean most heavily upon our faith. But a few lines down, Jesus makes a telling shift. The first three examples are passive: people who are low in spirit, who mourn, who are meek. The next six are much more active. It takes, after all, self-control and intention to be pure of heart, even when it comes easy. To thirst for righteousness implies that we are looking for it in the first place. To be a peacemaker requires an intentional act of forgiveness or compassion – if not the active settling of the dispute. And the last two are truly bold – so central to the gospel that Jesus references them twice: those who face persecution in the act of doing something right, Jesus says, “shall rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven.” There’s another more modern experiment to test our concept of luck. A teacher asks a diverse group of students to stand in a line. He tells them that they are to run a race to a set finish line and the first person to cross it will win $100. But first he asks the group to take two steps forward if his statements apply to them, and not to move if they don’t. Are their parents still married? he asks. Two-thirds of the group steps forward. Did they have access to tutors for school? More steps forward, a slightly smaller group this time. Did they never have to worry about the family bills being covered? A picture emerges - it is mostly the same students stepping forward each time, and the same group standing still on the original starting line. You get the idea: the teacher is pointing out that some people are lucky, not because of any personal accomplishment or ability, but because of their family’s economic status. The students at the back will have to run much faster to cross the finish line first. And so that’s an important context to add to the original experiment - and to how we read the Beatitudes. It is easiest to be open and generous when we feel lucky, but often our luck is not a quality we create in ourselves, but the result of a life lottery we happen to win. We should never judge the people still racing through that newspaper - perhaps working twice as hard to keep up means you miss things. And we should never judge those who fail to see the $5 - they might have things on their mind, like worrying about the bills. To be victims of poverty, injustice, and trauma - as the first group in the beatitudes - is a burden of mind and spirit, that the lucky do not carry. So the Beatitudes are a collection of gifts and challenges. When we need it, God carries us. And when we have the strength, we carry the gospel. In this way, Jesus upends out notion of fortune. It is not the accumulation of material goods, or the recognition of human achievement. It is not a life free from grief and tribulations. It is a posture – the act of paying attention, of seeking, of listening. Ultimately the Beatitudes are a description of the human condition: at times in our lives we are brave; at other times we are meek. Sometimes, we feel rich; at other times, we feel poor. There are many ways to describe those qualities: material, emotional, and spiritual. But at all times we are blessed. In the world the Gospel envisions, we receive God’s comfort when we need it, and God’s call when we are able to follow it. We all have our part to play in that. Maybe we split the $5 dollars with our neighbors who missed it. Maybe we show them the riddle in the newspaper so they can catch a break. Maybe we wait in the race so that those left unfairly behind can catch up. Maybe we don’t race at all. Maybe we walk together. That would be a lucky world indeed. Amen

Sermon By Rev Joel Crouse

History documents that during the Reformation many people were killed over the difference of opinion about God and the nature and divinity of Jesus Christ. Many Christians were being killed by other Christians. In the Upper Ottawa Valley, local stories say that up to only 60 years ago the people of Eganville who were divided by the Bonechere River—Protestants on one side and Roman Catholics on the other—would actually have fist-fights on the bridge that connected them. Christians were hurting Christians. In this day and age the religious strife around the world needs no retelling. The tension that exists in our own country over increasing polarization, the division between progressive and conservative theologies, and other issues that increase the blood pressure of many people, sustain the underlying discomfort and in some cases even hatred. Christians are in conflict with other Christians. What do you say when a person asks you what religion you are? If you’re like me you are probably in the habit of declaring your denominational status. And here-in lies the problem. You see, the option of choosing a particular congregation to be a part of wasn’t available for the Apostle Paul when he wrote his letter to the Corinthians. But as he addresses the divisions in the Corinthian congregation, he does give us direction for how we should perceive ourselves as modern-day Christians, and how we should move ahead as Christ’s church into the future. First of all Paul would point out that it is wrong, if not bordering on heresy, to say we were baptized Lutheran, Pentecostal, R.C., or any other denominational label including non-denominational. He asks those who in the Corinthian congregation said, “I belong to Paul”, “were you baptized in the name of Paul?” So I ask you, were you baptized in the name of the Luther, Calvin, Zwingly or the Pope? Let’s remember that it wasn’t denominational water that was poured over us in baptism. It was common ordinary water - the same water that comes out of every church tap in this city. And it was the same Word of God, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” It was grace, God’s doing that claimed and named us as God’s children. Whether we like it or not, want it or not, we are bound together to God and each other by our baptism in Christ. Secondly, we are bound together by the gospel, the good news of God’s grace and love in the life, death and resurrection to redeem and make us whole. I think if the Apostle Paul were writing his letter to the modern day Canadian Church, he wouldn’t be too happy about the different denominations that have grown up out of the same root. Paul was very sensitive to different congregations leaning to one side of the gospel or another. Paul really wanted that first group of Christians to remain as close to their roots and as true to the gospel as possible. Once a year, Christians around the world celebrate “The week of prayer for Christian unity”. Online and down the street at St Andrews Presbyterian church, Christians from different denominations will join together to celebrate the unity we all share - the gospel. 352 member churches that make up the World Council of Churches have declared “the mutual recognition of each other as churches where the gospel is preached and taught.” Like Paul we say, “we are not ashamed of the gospel. It grants freedom to EVERYONE who has faith. Like Paul, we are called to live and preach the gospel. Like Paul in our lesson, we center that gospel in the cross of Christ. I ask you, is there such a thing as a denominational cross? Is the cross in our church, a Lutheran Cross? No! It is the cross of Christ. Marked by that cross in baptism, saved by that cross, taking up that cross by following Jesus in faithful discipleship, by seeing that cross before our closing eyes in death - in life and in death, we are all united in the gospel, through the cross of Christ. But now the hard part in our lesson. Because of our baptism and our faith in the gospel, the Apostle Paul says, “I appeal to you, sisters and brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree that there be no dissension among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.” Isn’t he asking for too much? He and the Apostle Peter didn’t always have the same mind and there was certainly dissension between Paul and John Mark. As long as you have two people, you’ll always have some difference of opinion. Collect more in a congregation and collect congregations into a church and the differences will multiply. I don’t think Paul is asking, nor am I suggesting, that we leave our denominational heritage behind for some generic no-name brand of religion. I love my Lutheran heritage and will always stand up for Article IV of the Augsburg Confession. And I am known in this City to have thrown the gloves off while debating with new line Christians about their beliefs. But I always depart in peace knowing that the roots of our faith are not so different. These words of Paul hold, “Let there be no dissension among you.” We are not enemies fighting the “I’m right and your wrong” battles, or playing the “I’m better than you are” games. And while Paul’s appeal, “to be united in the same mind and same judgment” might seem to be asking for too much, it is not too much if he means the same mind about Christ, about our baptism, about the gospel. To be of the same mind should mean to see ourselves as brother’s and sister’s with each other -- to see ourselves as partners in the gospel supporting each other in our common mission to the world. If not, if our churches see ourselves in competition with each other, then as the apostle Paul ends the lesson, “the cross of Christ will be emptied of its power”. So what does it mean for you and I to call ourselves Christian? Hopefully it means we take our calling seriously enough to nurture our individual lives, the lives of others within our churches, and the Holy Christian church throughout our community and around the world. Our church, which is Christ’s church, will be richer if we as individual Christians learn to honor the differences and celebrate the similarities of each other. In this way, we indeed fulfill the calling to which we have been called - to be the church - to be Christians in every way - to everyone. Amen.

Sermon By Rev Joel Crouse

It’s January, the high of Christmas is gone, the sun has gone missing, the snow is falling heavily, you’re back at work or staring down exams or bored with inside living. There is a sense in our fair city of grin-and-bear-it until spring arrives. So let me tell you two stories that cheered me up this week. The first is about an 11-year-old named Jude Kofie in Colorado. Money is tight in his house: his parents are from Ghana, and they are working hard to raise their family in the United States, while still sending money back to Africa to help relatives there. Jude has autism, but one day, he finds a battered old keyboard in the home his parents rent and start playing. He had never had a lesson, and yet, he was making wonderful music. Along came Bill Magnusson, a piano tuner. He didn’t know the Kofie family, but he’d heard about Jude. Using money from an inheritance, he bought a grand piano for the young prodigy, and offered to tune it every week, and cover lessons for Jude. “All for free,” Jude’s father said. “Who does that?” A few days later, another story caught my attention: This one was about a veteran named Butch Marion, who, at 82, was still working as a cashier at Walmart to pay his bills. Rory McCarty happened to cross paths with him one day and decided this was an injustice he could correct. Using his following on Tik Tok, he raised $100,000 and gifted it to Butch – enough money for him to quit his job and finally retire, and maybe visit his kids in Florida. A few days after that, a study came out: a group of researchers in Ohio had divided up patients with anxiety and depression into three groups: two groups received regular treatments such as therapy or social activities. But the third group was assigned acts of kindness – they had to perform three acts of kindness a day, for at least two days of the week. The acts were simple – they gave a ride to a friend, or left a happy message for their roommate, or baked cookies to cheer somebody up. All three groups saw their mental health improve – but researchers suggested that the acts of kindness had the edge – people in that group felt more deeply connected to others. And in fact, when I sat down to read the gospel early this week, it all came together. Bill Magnusson created a connection with Jude Kofie and his family. Rory McCarty created a link with social media followers that led to Butch Marion. Those acts of kindness in the study created more connections – tying people – strangers – together into community. And that’s what our gospel is essentially about: the power of the gospel to spread, to connect strangers, to build community. We can see how that story grew – John the Baptist meets Jesus. Two men standing by encounter them together the next day and are welcomed into the fold as disciples. From there, more disciples are added, more followers join the crowd. The community grows. And it travels, not on the dusty roads of Jesus’s day, but through time, across thousands of years, to connect to us sitting here in 2023. We are all connected. But not by hate or fear. We are connected by the welcome one stranger showed another: by the generosity of acquaintances, and by the kindness of friends. Without that welcome and generosity and kindness, there is no story at all; the link would be broken. “Come and see,” Jesus says to those two newcomers. Come and see. And in this way, Jesus calls them into his circle. This week, our Service Committee met together – and it was another heartwarming experience to observe. People coming together from our three congregations full of ideas not for how to save money or pay bills – but how to be kind in giving. How to answer the question: Who will we be? How to respond to the call from Jesus: to come and see what the gospel can do. Now I know I talk about kindness a lot. But there is a reason for that. I fully believe that kindness works best when it is a deliberate practice, when we get a booster in how to accomplish it. But also, I see every day, the truth of those stories. People who become happier and feel younger when they focus on giving to other people. And I see what those actions offer those who receive them, reminding them of good in the world often when they need it most. January can be a grumpy month. But only if we let it. We are connected to those first disciples who, in our reading this morning, are meeting Jesus for just the first time. We know the life-changing epiphany that awaits them; how their lives will be forever changed. They answered the call: “Come and see.” The same call we hear from Jesus. The same calls that connect us. Come and see who I am, Jesus says. Come and see the need of the world. Come and see the kindness we can accomplish together. Amen

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Story of Butch and Rory

Ohio Study H

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