May we all set an example for the peaceful way we want the world to be.
When dealing with the loss of someone, Jesus promised us it will get better.
Before God, we’re all equal. There is no first, there is no last. It's about how we live our lives.
Copy of God gives us powerful tools in order to be active workers for Love, Peace and Hope in the wo
It takes strength to live by what is just and pure - strength to live with faithful discipleship.
Giving thanks and honouring others is not only healing, it is a bond that connects us.
God gives us powerful tools in order to be active workers for Love, Peace and Hope in the world.
God reminds us that fairness and equality are complicated, and oftentimes so are the solutions
God wants us to find peace in the presence of pain and difficulty
Relationships are about mutual care, mutual consideration, and mutual compassion.
Are we paying attention to the journey? Or focused too much on the destination?
What does it mean to proclaim the Good News of Jesus?
Whispers of Faith in the Din of Doubt
Gardening, the Gospel, and God: Finding Fertile Fields for Faith
More Than Just Nap Time and Finger Paint: The Life-Long Lessons Learned in Kindergarten
Two Sinkings, One Humanity
Noise and Silence. Celebration and Contemplation.
Hope for Today and the End of Our Days
Eyes Wide Shut
Stereotypes: Toss them Down the Well!