A pastor’s kid from Lunenburg, N.S., Joel Crouse received his ordination in 1997 after graduating with his master’s degree in theology from Waterloo Lutheran Seminary. He was called to Zion Lutheran Church in Pembroke, where he served for four years before accepting a call to St. John Lutheran Church in Ottawa. In addition to his social justice focus, he has served on the award-winning Interfaith Ottawa, Christian Council for the Capital Area as well as several joint Anglican-Lutheran initiatives. Joel is married to Erin Anderssen and has two sons, Noah and Samson. His role models are his parents,
Rev. Keith and Grethe Crouse.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada is Canada’s largest Lutheran denomination with over 152,500 baptized members in 607 congregations. It welcomes people from all walks of life into the loving embrace of community and faith. The mission of the ELCIC, as an expression of the universal Church and as an instrument of the Holy Spirit, is to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people in Canada and around the world through the proclamation of the Word, the administration of the Sacraments and through service in Christ’s name.